Management Development
Management is an essential part of any organization. That is why, in the competitive environment of todays market, Managers must be able to form strict goal oriented plans while maintaining relations and a positive and upbeat
attitude. Our Management Development Process is designed to help managers become effective in their jobs from a leadership standpoint and a strategy standpoint. This program offers 14 chapters including:
- Introduction
- Your Action Plan
- TA for Managers PartI
- Management Communications and Human Relations
- Dealing with Negative Behavior
- The Manager as a Leader
- Confidence>
- TA for Managers PartII
- Managing Your Time Use
- Goal Setting for Success
- Work Environment and Motivation
- Decision Making
- Developing Subordinates through Goal Setting
The Management Development process includes weekly sessions for 8-11 weeks. Participants will have application and practice time between sessions in order to Develop
their skills, and all sessions end with goals and actions steps to be accomplished by the next session. Participants will give themselves at least five exposures between sessions
which will result in content retention of more than 60%. Leaders will also meet three times quarterly following the last session to present progress
reports on goals, and additional meetings may be offered as needed.
Read ©RAC Management Sheet