D.I.A.L.O.G. stands for Data Indication Alignment of Organizational Goals. D.I.A.L.O.G. is used as an evaluation of the inner workings of a company or business. This is used
to define how well critical elements are working together within business, and it identifies the main issues that are causing breakdown in the company. These issues may include
communication problems between workers and management, issues with organization, or a lack of common goals within the company.
Personal interviews and questionnaire surveys are used by trained facilitators to gather information about employees. The
evaluation then considers seven categories which are part of a proven theoretical model developed by the National Institute of Standards and the U.S. Department of Commerce.
This method is also makes up the Criteria for Performance Excellence used in the Malcom Baldridge National Quality Program
Read ©RAC D.I.A.L.O.G. Sheet
Strategic Planning
The best way to ensure that the future you desire becomes reality is through strategic planning. We have all heard that term. But what IS strategic planning?
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