Leadership Development

Leadership in an organization is key to running a smooth operation. Leaders must be able to motivate employees to set goals, and then see them through to make sure those goals are achieved. Being successful in leadership takes hard work, determination, and people skills. Our Leadership Development course is set up to provide the direction and support a good leader needs to stay on track themselves, and to keep their employees happy and working hard towards a common goal. We offer leaders fourteen chapters in these important areas:

  • You Posses the Ability to Lead
  • Formal Leadership
  • Developing your Personal Goals
  • Managing your Time
  • Motivation
  • Preparation for Leadership
  • Goal Setting for Success
  • Turning Solutions into Actions
  • Communication and Human Relations
  • Continuing Your Leadership Growth
  • A Product of the Past
  • Building Success Attitudes and Habits
  • Understanding and Affirming Your "Self"
  • Decision Making and Problem Solving

The Leadership Development course members meet weekly for 8-10 weeks. Sessions are 2-3 hours. Participants will have application and practice time between sessions in order to Develop their skills, and all sessions end with goals and actions steps to be accomplished by the next session. Participants will give themselves at least five exposures between sessions which will result in content retention of more than 60%. Leaders will also meet three times quarterly following the last session to present progress reports on goals, and additional meetings may be offered as needed.

Read ©RAC Leadership and Executive Leadership Sheets
Executive Leadership

Hayes Study-Julie M. Hays, Arthur V.Hill

"Leadership is the most important single factor in determining business success or failure, in our competative, turbulent, fast-moving economy."
Brian Tracy in The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Success
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